Privacy Policy

The conditions for using are outlined below, as are the types of information we gather in order to provide the content and services you find on our site. By visiting, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

We generally gather two different types of information on our website: automatic and submitted.

What is automatic information?

When you interact with a website, it receives certain types of anonymous information. We use "cookies" to collect this data, which we then store and use to make improvements to the site and create a more relevant user experience. We also use the automatic information collected for analytics, site optimization and for tailoring our advertising and marketing. Some of the anonymous data we retrieve are your operating system version, browser version and IP address.

More information about cookies is stated below.

What is submitted information?

The information your submit through our online forms, such as your name, telephone number, mailing address and email address, is retrieved and stored in order for to provide you and our other visitors with relevant education products and services. We share this information with schools and other third parties as necessary, to bring you information about schools, programs and education-related services.

By voluntarily submitting information, you authorize and our affiliated schools and partners to contact you via phone, text, email or mail, in accordance with all pertinent laws. You may be contacted regarding education options and other related topics. If you receive an email communication from us or one of our affiliates, you may unsubscribe through the opt-out link in the email. At this time, you will be removed from that sender's further mailings.

How can my information be used by

By utilizing, you agree the information we collect can be shared with schools, affiliates and other third parties, in order to provide you with degree information and inform you of program and education-related products and services. You also agree with our right to release any information we collect, personally identifiable or otherwise, to businesses providing administrative services to, like an email service delivery, for example.

When you submit personal information to our website, you grant us and our affiliates permission to contact you by phone, text, email or mail, to bring you marketing or other information regarding education services and products. Through your submission, you also relinquish your rights under the Do Not Call list or any other applicable law, for a period of time. Your action effectively excludes Do Not Call requirements created by state and federal laws, and may provide exemption for under other applicable laws.

Additionally, your submission gives us the right to release your personal information to abide by a subpoena, other legal procedure or other circumstances required by law. We will exercise this option in good faith when we believe we must do so to preserve our rights, protect your and other's safety, look into instances of alleged fraud or to reply to a government or legal request. We might also release your personal information if were to merge with, be acquired by or sell some or all of its assets to a third party.

What should I know about cookies?

By using the website, you acknowledge and agree to our use of cookies.

The term cookies describes small pieces of data sent from websites to your browser. They're commonly used for technical reasons like web analytics. We use Google Analytics, a Google, Inc. tool, to perform our web analytics. More information about Google Analytics can be found here.

Advertising cookies enable advertisers to made ads more relevant to each individual visitor. Don't worry -- they don't contain any personally identifiable information, so you're still anonymous. Advertising cookies are also referred to as third-party cookies, and they track navigation and publish ads on a third party's behalf.

Below are some examples of how we use cookies, including through services and partnerships with vendors and third-party service providers:

  • Web analytics to gather demographic and other anonymous data for the purpose of web optimization and other analysis.
  • "Lead auditing" to ensure accuracy, pertinent and validity of information submitted by users.
  • Tracking marketing and conversions, including, but not limited to, targeting and optimizing digital ad serving for improving relevance, user experience and advertising effectiveness.

Can I remove cookies?

You can remove cookies through your browser at any time. You may have to do this per use and not on a one-time basis.

You can generally opt-out of personalized advertisements from members of the Network Advertising Initiative or from those who follow the Digital Advertising Alliance's Self-Regulatory Principles, as well as some other ad networks and third-party advertisers. The NAI and DAA have opt-out pages on their websites where you can go to unsubscribe.

Can these terms and policies ever change?

Yes, we may make revisions to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in the future. We recommend you reread this page periodically in order to have the most up-to-date information.

How can I get ahold of

You may use our contact form to send us questions or concerns regarding this Terms of Use and Privacy Policy